What should I use .Net or J2EE?

What framework do you think is most effective for a job board type website, .Net or J2EE? I'm curious on what the advantages and disadvantages are of them both. Thanks for your help!


Not a Microsoft guy but think both technologies are good that need sometimes to interact. If your development are primary with Microsoft keep with .net, If work with Oracle, IBM or open source java could be a better option.

Both are equally good. If you are working on Microsoft related technologies prefer .NET as compatibility issues are less between components. But if you are using open source/Java based components use J2EE. It all depends upon requirements and available resources. Hope it helps

J2EE products are cheaper on the long run and open source GNU/MIT/APache licenses are the biggest reasons why proprietary software vendors do not bully you.


.Net is for work in the Windows platform only. Java is for Windows AND everything else. Cool systems like OSX, Ubuntu and Android :)


1) You'll need a microsoft server which hosts IIS to deploy your application.
2) You need to attach .NET supported management tools to monitor your application performance.
3) Development time would be less, as the IDE and development tools from microsoft helps in rapid app development.

1) Will work on any application host, provided you have the java runtime.
2) You can use any JMX compliant third party tool too for management, provided you modelled your app on those standards.
3) Lots of free templates and thirdparty APIs (mostly free and opensource) available to aid your development.

Bottom line is that, in .NET you'd be tied to microsoft's platform and technologies, while in J2EE space you will have more options and breathing room. If you are already an established microsoft shop, it might not really make sense to move to J2EE now... else, J2EE would be the way to go.

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